No Churn Peanut Butter Mousse Ice Cream

We find ourselves in the midst of a pandemic, the likes of which we have never seen in our lifetimes. We go to the grocery stores, distancing ourselves 6 feet, sanitizing everything that comes into contact with our hands, and wash our hands until they crack and bleed.
It is possible to create some sense of normalcy as we are all quarantined to our homes. It isn’t easy, but we can form our own positivity, fun, and creativity in the walls of our homes- whatever that home may look like or shape it may take.

Today, albeit with a somber note, I give you a recipe for something deliciously sweet, creamy, and positively uplifting to end (or begin) any day stuck inside. It’s a great quarantine activity to do with your family, children, or simply by yourself. You don’t need any special equipment, and few “specific” ingredients. You just need some creativity, time, and self control not to eat it all immediately. Feel free to adapt this recipe with any nut butter, or nut-free butter, and substitute the heavy cream and milk with your favorite non-dairy milk and coconut cream. Fun fact, coconut milk and cream in cans have a very long shelf-life. Non-dairy milks also have a longer shelf life than regular dairy milk. These bits of information are the things that are on lots of folks minds- mine included.

Okay so now away with the serious! In with the seriously delicious. I give you, Peanut Butter Mousse Ice Cream. Yup, you read that right.
It’s essentially a light and fluffy peanut butter mousse that we gently pour into a loaf pan, freeze, scoop, and consume in large portions. Ready? I know you are.

You will need for roughly 4 cups of ice cream:
2 egg yolks
1 cup whole milk
3/4 and 2 cups cup heavy cream, divided
1/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups peanut butter of choice (not natural, the oil doesn’t sit well in the ice cream)
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
pinch of kosher salt
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1/2 cup chopped salted peanuts (optional)

Got em all? Great! Let’s get started.
In a heavy bottom saucepan combine the milk, 3/4 cup heavy cream, yolks, and 1/4 cup sugar. Heat on low heat, whisking continuously until the mixture just begins to steam and softly simmer. Immediately take off the heat.
Whisk in the peanut butter, salt, and cinnamon. Set aside in the fridge to cool.
In a large bowl, whisk the 2 cups of heavy cream with the 1/4 cup powdered sugar until medium peaks are formed. Stir in the vanilla.
Get your regular sized loaf pan ready by lining it with parchment paper, or simply making sure it’s clean and ready to go.
Gently fold the peanut butter pudding and chopped peanuts into the whipped cream, leaving a few streaks is a-okay in my book!

Freeze for at least 8 hours, or until ready to scoop!
If you have wonderful planning skills (of which I lack), pull the ice cream out of the freezer 10 minutes before you plan on scooping to make it extra easy and mouss…ey?

After the ice cream begins to melt, the creaminess of this ice cream had Mr. Red Stove licking the sides of the bowl to get every last bit!
That’s a good endorsement, I believe.

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